there is no safe place for chocolates in my house. we have a number of 2 legged cute 'mice' in the house. i hid them behind some small boxes in the refrigerator, sometimes above my closet and even in my handbag...guess what? they wont last long. these talking and smart 'mice' have special nose, having special radar detector for chocolates and there they go, found my 'treasure'. the last thing i know, my chocolate bar vanished.
thats why i have to eat ice cream instead where i could eat it there and then, no need to hide in the refrigerator, as i said, no safe place to hide my 'treasures'....these 'mice' will always have their cut. after all, they have the veto power when ever the ice cream seller calls out 'mat kool mat kool kawanku' from his motorcycle outside our house :p
hmmm....these 'mice'..they are really 'greedy', not that i am stingy, i have bought each of them their chocolate bar each...and have warned them not to touch my dark chocolate bar. well i guess, since dark chocolate is still nice and yummy, it cant save itself from being 'stolen' by these 'sweets addicted mice' hahaha...my dark chocolate bar are all gone. nothing left !
but this little 'mouse', came to me, with her sweet voice to cheer me up, 'ma, ni untuk ma...' giving me what have been 'salvaged' hahaha.

anyway, this is what left...i am not angry anymore :D
meet the chief 'mice', the cutest of all, singing about a cat in the school :)